March the 15th arrived and, with it, the third day of the First Edition of the Gaming Retreat here in Madeira. And it jumped right into Business Assessments and the frenetic Mentor Madness.
To help us all sail through the chaos along came Joana Barba – Program Manager at NOVA SBE Haddad Entrepreneurship Institute – bringing gifts made out of cool tips, a clear working methodology. and an enthusiastic personality.
Bright and early the teams were debriefed on the leisure activities that will happen throughout the Retreat. A balm for the hard working entrepreneurs whose skills can be better used if accompanied by a healthy dose of fun that only an island can provide.
After it, Joana explained what the Mentor Madness is and gave a lot of tips on how to make a smart pitch in 1 minute. Being able to explain ideas and pitch the key points of a project is essential to grab the attention of investors, buyers or, at the end, their target audience.
1 minute!
That was how long the teams had to present a pitch in a big group. And boy, did they rose to the occasion. Through the challenges, bumps and natural growing pains, everyone was able to fulfill their designated task and pass it with flying colors.
Like a truck, the Madness arrived, taking everything by storm and leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The teams had to face more than a handful of flash meetings online, where they had the chance to show their projects, as well as bask on the feast of knowledge that was provided by each and every single mentor.
Mentor Madness is not for the faint of heart, but none can be found here.
Everyone got out of it happy, energized and with a never-ending appetite for more… And more they will have… but that will have to wait for tomorrow!
Check out all the photos HERE!